Last night, on PBS' Bill Moyers' Journal, the documentary, "Torturing Democracy" was excerpted. The full documentary is available for viewing at:
I urge you to watch it. It isn't easy viewing. And, although I will admit a prejudicial dislike for John Yoo, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush, I will also say that the crimes they (and others) committed in the name of democracy are virtually unspeakable. They rank with the inhumanity of Joseph Mengele, Herman Goering and Joseph Stalin. A truth commission is inadequate in the effort to expose the torture and criminal acts authorized and approved by the Bush regime. And, if the current president chooses to continue to try to "move forward," he should be charged with not only being an accessory after the fact, but for obstructing justice. Watching this film horrified me. It also made me ashamed of being an American.
I had hoped to no longer post political comments. This, I think goes far beyond partisanship or glib (as well as unprofessional) punditry to address the very core of our nation and of what it means to be human... and inhumane.
As a glib, non-professional pundit I take offense to your preemptive negations of my partisan craft (or crap!)!
Thanks for the tip about the program.
You remind me of the Jackie Mason joke about his paranoia, thinking that when he goes to a football game and sees the team get into a huddle, he thinks they're talking about him...
I was actually precluding my own non-professional punditry. the documentary noted and its subject matter are beyond glib reproach.
PBS makes us all ashamed to be television watchers. Actually, they do have a grain of truth now and then. It's just not to be found in anything by Bill "the crybaby" Moyers. There's plenty of countries to choose from if one doesn't have American allegiance. Saudi Arabia, mexico, Russia....they have great track records when it comes to open mindedness.
David--Like the right wing nuts you emulate, you invariably go off-topic, as you have here. Neither PBS nor Bill Moyers were the point of this post. Watch the documentary then tell me what you think. As for all of us being ashamed of PBS... heck, you make me miss Alistair Cooke and the old Masterpiece Theater. And, where did you catch Scorsese's documentary on Dylan?
Off topic/post...sorry. I'll watch to agony that we are soon enough.
PBS is at their best with music documentaries, just don't tune in for anything that needs facts. I do like Ken Burns' work, but careful. No entity hates us more than PBS, so if one is prone to America bashing, that would do as a viable resource of information. Of course the left wing nut fringe is full of anarchy and conspiracy theories, so crybaby moyers has gotten a second wind. Remember when he was fading fast over at NBC and put out to pasture?
ha, THE agony....
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