Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hypocrisy takes Apathy at the Far Turn...

I am still unsure of the concept. I have a natural aversion to blogs-- perhaps because I think it is all about chest thumping/proclaiming Me! Me! Me! Well, enough about me... let's talk about me. Having issued that caveat, let me also add that I don't know if anyone is reading or will read this. So, I will just consider this a chance to vent, if only to myself. I began this blog because of politics. It is now taking on that complexion. I hope that someday I will write about the virtues of George Pelecano's writing, Rory Gallagher's playing and Edward Weston's images. You know... things I am passionate about. Right now, I am unfortunately wrapped up in this thing we are calling a presidential election. It is, in the words of Zimmerman, a pig circus. And, you know, I don't care where you stand. If you are the least bit objective, you can see that McCain is running the most insincere, slanderous, and pandering kind of campaign. He promised in the first verse that he would take the high road. We've gotten to the chorus and it is the sound of lowdown. I heard him tonight slam Obama for partying with Streissand and the like to garner support and sheckels from Hollywood. Less than 3 weeks ago, he was on jay Leno's show, before going out to garner support and sheckels from Hollywood. Hypocrisy is not as bad as out and out deceit. He lives there at the moment. Tom Selleck and Sly Stallone support Senator McCain. Rick Caruso is campaigning for him. Rick Caruso! Now, there is a scumbag. He is one of the richest men in LA. He builds shopping centers like the Grove by Farmer's Market, etc. He is building one out by Santa Anita in the style of New Orleans. When he went to the Big Easy to pick up the influence, he was disgusted. His New Orleans won't have any of that nasty funk... no authenticity... no soul. He will create a Disneyfied Crescent City. But I digress. The point I am trying to make is how McCain slams his opponent for trying to raise Hollywood dollars while he is doing the same thing. He has been caught in more lies than Carl Rockefeller and yet, he flashes that stupid-ass grin as he looks up from the music stand that holds his canned speech. He is pathetic. BUT the public is buying it. I fear for this country. I fear for our future. The race is unbelievably close. I wonder how America can be so dumb. Even the National Enquirer is busting Sarah Palin for her indiscretions and lack of political acumen. I want to say, you get what you deserve, but I live here, too. I scoffed at my friend John Mann for his attitude toward this country and his desire to go back to Poland to live permanently. Now, I am not so sure.


Anonymous said...

How about Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jeff Beck, and Ansel Adams....oh and stop talking about moving to Canada just because you don't get your way politically. Save it for the next time you dodge the draft. Now, wasn't that 1969 draft lottery # 1 Sept 17th....refresh my memory birthday boy.

barryshap said...

Gee, where do I begin to respond? Let me start by thanking you. I mean, here I am thinking I am ranting into the ether. But, there you are-- steadfast and true. Or as true as any McCain/Palin supporter can be.

Actually, my birthday is September 14th. And I am not the least bit embarrassed by having "dedged" the draft. I wish there was a draft today... so that the occupation in Iraq could get better press play and instill more involvement than it does. Many days go by without so much as a mention of it on the nightly news or newspapers. Just because it is being hushed up doesn't mean kids aren't dying. Like me, eligible draft candidates would mobilize, resist and protest. This horrible situation in Iraq would have ended already. Believe it.

Edgard Rice Burroughs? I read Governor Palin wanted to ban Tarzan... you know, because of the Ape-Man connection. I recently read one of his books. Awful writer, but what the hell, he has a city in the San Fernando Valley named in his honor. I love Jeff Beck-- just thought I'd I'd mention the sadly departed, underappreciated Irish guitarist. Ansel was a genius and changed the way we see. Perhaps I will deviate from the political stuff long enough to devote a post to the photographers most important to me...

Write On!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes it was the 14th and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BARRY EVERYBODY!!!!!! My friend Bill Selig was the 14th also and we couldn't help but crack up about it when they pulled those dates out of the bowl...he was always such a loveable loser!! I got lucky getting #312 although I did have to go for the physical and got a 1y... deferred, then a 4f, women and children first!! Seems all that loud screaming guitar as a kid affected my hearing and they sent me home. Not really a dodge.

Yes it took years of protests to stop the Vietscam war and it was much bloodier than Iraq. I really can't decide which war is my favorite, can you....the Mexican War was pretty cool I guess...it went rather well. Now there's one that would make a great sequel.

I'm not sure she went after Tarzan, that list turned out to be bogus. Hey did you hear where Hillary's advisor just defected to Sen. McCain??? Yes, couldn't take all that fried chicken and beer anymore.

Hey did you hear where the towelheads are putting a jihad on Paul McCartney...they're a lousy bunch....can't understand why you find them so charming.

barryshap said...

I know the book list turned out to be "bogus"-- as is much of Governer Palin, but I will leave Trooper-Gate and the Bridge to Nowhere out of this, for now.

My "dodging" service in Vietnam was no less legit than yours. I wnt from a 2S student deferrment to 4F-- I was a severe stutterer (until I was 23), which prevented me from giving or relaying orders. There were other medical issues.

But me finding "towelheads" charming? David, really. Neither do I find favor with them or Sir Paul. As John sang, the best thing Mr. McCartney did was yesterday...

Anonymous said...

Barry, are we really this alone??? I thought the fried chicken bit would get me lynched....I feel like Groucho.