The following are two letters printed in
The Oregonian, verbatim with no changes, edits or personal comments. To paraphrase the now tired expression, "they are what they are."
Help me out, GOP (July 9)
I have been a strong supporter of the Republican Party my entire life. I was very disappointed when I read that my party was responsible for filibustering the Senate jobs bill.
I have been unemployed since Aug. 4, 2009. I have not been sitting around on my sofa eating bonbons and watching TV since. I have a personal website advertising my resume, I'm advertising my website on my car. I've been on the news and the radio to promote myself and my website. I search the job boards and newspaper classified ads daily. I'm working very hard to find another job.
I am still unemployed after almost a year, and it is very depressing. The unemployment check I receive each Wednesday is only half of what I was earning when working full time. I feel hopeless some days when all I receive is more rejection e-mails and letters from employers.
I do not understand why we can pass a massive health care bill, dump money into the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and send money to other countries when a disaster hits, yet our government cannot help its own. I know I am not alone in my disappointment over the jobs bill, and I hope that the government will not turn its back on its constituents.
The party line (July 10)
Sherry Callahan (Letters, July 9), a "strong supporter" of the Republican Party her "entire life," is now unemployed and disappointed that the party has been filibustering the Senate jobs bill, which would extend unemployment benefits and preserve some existing jobs.
Since the Republicans' position on the jobs bill is consistent with the party's past positions on unemployment and jobs, apparently this position was acceptable to Callahan -- even laudable -- as long as she was not one of the unemployed. It is this kind of selfishness that the Republican Party has always counted on as it opposes legislation to benefit those in need.
Sorry, Sherry -- you got just what you voted for.
Southeast Portland